Environmental Management

Atmosphere Styles & Variants
Some of the major pollutants produced from our titanium dioxide manufacturing process are dust, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides.COSMO Chemical Co., Ltd. is making all-out efforts such as increased investment and technological development to decrease not only the density of our emitted pollutants but also their emission amount. We have signed a voluntary agreement with our city government to perform voluntary activities to reduce our production of pollutants, which are underway. Also, our TMS (Tele-Monitoring System) monitors record data on our emission density and transmit them in real time to supervisory authorities.
Water quality
The water that we use in our manufacturing process in our factories is treated at our wastewater treatment facilities and then discharged. Some of the discharged water is recycled for road cleaning, manufacture of latex, etc.As for our water quality, our TMS (Tele-Monitoring System) monitors record data on our emission density and transmit them in real time to the supervisory authorities.

By-product (Waste gypsum)
The waste gypsum that is a by-product of wastewater treatment has very stable material properties, does not cause secondary pollution, and is extensively recycled. It contains about 35% SO3, which can substitute for the setting retarder for cement that is being depleted at a very fast rate. Various other uses of waste gypsum are being searched for to be able to actively utilize it as a natural resource.